


Natural stone is one of the finishing materials that is considered quite expensive. Whether it is marble, granite or quartzite, so before the stone is used for decoration, it is necessary to know various information of each type of stone, including pattern, strength, and suitability. What are the advantages and care of the stone so that we can use it correctly? It is suitable and gives out the most beautiful and worthwhile.

Marble is one of the metamorphic rocks that has been transformed from limestone and dolomite. Caused by pressure and heat from under the earth’s crust that transforms the rock into marble. It consists mainly of calcite. If it is pure marble, it will be white, but if there are other mineral impurities in it, it will be made in a variety of colors.

Quartzide is another rock in the metamorphic rock class. It is caused by pressure and heat from under the earth’s crust that the rock itself transforms into quartzite, which is one of the most durable rocks. If formed from pure glass sand, quartzite rocks are obtained that are white to gray, but often contain other mineral impurities, giving the rock a different color depending on the mineral type in the rock.

Granite is patterned in mineral pieces, mineral scales and rock texture are uniform. The mineral crystals have a strong bond. This makes the stone firm and hard. For granite found in Thailand, usually granite with stripes or mineral flakes scattered throughout the rock without lining up in lines, but in some countries, some granite mineral flakes are arranged in a pattern pattern that is similar to the mineral stripes of marble, but there are still mineral flakes to be seen. Not as smooth as marble and quartzite.





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